انتخابات الجمعية السعودية دورتها الرابعة

Saudi Pediatric Neurology Society

History & Establishment

The Saudi Pediatric Neurology Society (SPNS) established in 2012, is a National official non profitable scientific association under the auspices of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties for physicians and other health workers in the field of Pediatric Neurology.
The SPNS is governed by an elected Board of Directors representing all major regions of the kingdom.

“National official non profitable scientific association under the auspices of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties”

Basic Regulations

Board of Directors

Our Vision

To establish a world-class scientific society committed to advancing the neurological wellbeing of Saudi children and youth by promoting excellence in clinical care services, advocacy, education and research in pediatric neurology


Our Mission

The Saudi Pediatric Neurology Society is committed to meet the growing demands for high quality health care for patients with childhood neurological disorders, as well as education and clinical research that combines all health care providers for pediatric neurology.
This includes pediatric neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, psychiatry, and neuroradiology. Pharmacy, nursing and medical & other health students

Our Goals

Our Goals

To fulfill its mission, the SPNS strives to achieve these major goals

  • Professional education: The SPNS supports the continuing professional development needs of pediatric neurologists, pediatricians and others providing pediatric neurology services to children and youth through position statements, educational opportunities such as annual conferences, online education and local CME events.
  • Advocacy: The SPNS works to identify gaps and promote improvements to public policy that affects the neurological health of children and youth.
  • Public education: The SPNS works to in­ crease public awareness and education about the neurological health needs and care of children and youth. Our goal is to help parents of  children  with  neurological  diseases and others who care for them, make informed decisions about their children’s health by providing reliable and accessible information on Child Neurology
  • Surveillance and research: The SPNS will monitor childhood Neurological diseases and conditions in the Kingdom creating specific disease registries facilitating surveillance and research into neurologic conditions specific to our region.
  • Collaboration: The SPNS also collaborates with other many other health scientific and governmental organizations to achieve its goals.
  • Funding:

The Saudi Pediatric Neurology Society activities and programs are to be funded through a wide variety of sources, including membership dues, revenue from continuing medical education events, annual conferences and contributions from foundations and corporations.

المركز الوطني لتنمية القطاع غير الربحي يعتمد مجلس إدارة الجمعية السعودية لطب أعصاب الأطفال عن مجلس الإدارة الجديد للجمعية

اعتمد المركز الوطني لتنمية القطاع الغير ربحي نتائج الانتخابات التي جرت يوم السبت ١٤/٩/٢٠٢٤م مع تمنياتنا بالتوفيق للمجلس المنتخب في إدارة
اعمال الجمعية ونتقدم ببالغ الشكر والتقدير للزملاء والزميلات في المجلس السابق على مجهوداتهم في نجاح رؤية واعمال الجمعية

متمنين للجميع دوام النجاح والتوفيق

مجلس إدارة الجمعية السعودية لطب أعصاب الأطفال في دورته الرابعة


رئيس مجلس الإدارة الدكتور فهد عبده بشيري
نائب رئيس مجلس الادارة الدكتور خالد جامع حندالله 
عضو المجلس الدكتور بليغ محمد علي
عضو المجلس الدكتور وليد عبد العزيز التويجري
عضو المجلس الدكتور مساعد فهد أبو خالد
عضو المجلس الدكتور أسامة يوسف مظفر
عضو المجلس الدكتورة صافيناز عبد الله الحارثي
عضو المجلس الدكتور مطر احمد السهيمي
عضو المجلس الدكتور نايف مهنا العنزي
عضو المجلس الدكتور محمد احمد العمري
عضو المجلس الدكتور علي ضحيان العتيبي

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